The Study In Vitro of the Effects of the Inhalant Corticosteroids on Oral and Laryngeal Mucosa


For its anti-inflammatory properties, cortisone medications are used successfully in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis. The pharmacology of corticosteroids is very complex, but can be summed up with the explication of these activities.Interaction and complex formation Corticosteroid- Protein Glycosylated (GR) - (CCP). Transport inactivated form of (CCP) to the target cells. Penetration (CCP) in the cells and binding to the cytoplasmic receptor 4. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroid activity: the complex (CCP. penetrates into the nucleus and interacts with the DNA activating or inhibiting gene transcription, responsible of the major pharmacological effects of corticosteroids. The complex, in addition, is able to block the way of NFkB (nuclear factor kappalight-enhance of activated B cells, the key of many mechanisms in inflammatory and immunological diseases). In those passages, the formation of a "Protein-Corticosteroid" complex, that allows the transport of corticosteroids, have a key rule.